Emotions Management - World Quotes

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"There is no failure. There is only recalibration."

-Barry Sweet

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"Waiting is a forced opportunity to make some PBI (Progress By Increments) on that quiet, stalled, unfinished project of ours."

-Barry Sweet

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"Appointmentize your demanding emotion. Give it a 15 minute appointment time tonight at 8:30 pm. Do not let it terrorize and eclipse you whenever it simply awakens."

-Barry Sweet

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"Blame the past. Fix the future. Choose."

-Barry Sweet

"With strong emotions... Distraction is your best friend."

-Brian Swedberg

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"The four primary emotions: Mad, sad, glad and afraid. CYE Choose Your Emotion. Like backing up to four milk trucks and choosing which one to dock to."

-Barry Sweet

"Microsensor your self-inflicted emotions."

-Barry Sweet

"Always leave early enough to drive in the slow lane."

-Barry Sweet

"Calm is the highest achievement of the self."

-Tea bag quote

"Sometimes He calms the storm.

Sometimes He calms the child."

-Scott Krippayne thru Michelle Chase

"Our greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another."

-William James
















































































Title Photo for Emotions Management - World Quotes: Camping Under Stars and Trees. Courtesy of Sierra Brooke Sweet